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Parade's Commitment to the USPS

USPS has been our shipping partner since day one. We are committed to them and will continue with USPS as our sole carrier for all customer orders.

Parade's Commitment to the USPS

USPS has been our shipping partner since day one.

They’ve been essential to Parade since before launch when we started mailing Parade stickers and Silky Scarves to our community from our office in Brooklyn, to now delivering thousands of pairs of underwear across the country every day.

To date, we’ve spent over half a million dollars with the USPS, and we will continue to stand with and support them.

The USPS is losing money quickly. As the national economy has slowed, package and mail velocity has in tandem.

Our country’s leadership has not approved requested emergency funding for the USPS, specifically citing that the USPS should not receive aid because they deliver mail-in ballots.

Voting by mail is essential to a fair & safe electoral process during an unprecedented public health crisis. The current administration makes claims that universal mail-in ballots will lead to an increase in voter fraud.

However, research suggests that voter fraud by mail-in ballots occurs in only 0.00006 percent of total votes cast. In short, the USPS is being threatened in order to suppress votes (NPR).

In addition to the implications that blocking USPS funding has for the upcoming election, the USPS is incredibly important for rural communities and tribal lands, where UPS and FedEx won’t deliver.

The USPS is essential for delivering daily prescription medications, PPE, and connection to the rest of the world to rural communities, people with disabilities, and the elderly—especially during a pandemic.

Here’s what you can do to help:

  1. Contact your representatives, either by phone, email, or on Twitter. Demand for them to release concrete steps for a plan to combat mail-in voter suppression. Here’s a guide to reaching them.

  2. Have a couple extra dollars right now? Buy stamps as the most direct way to put money in the USPS pocket.

  3. Choose USPS for any packages your send or purchases you make, whenever possible.

  4. Text USPS to 50409 to sign your name on a letter to the US Congress.

We will continue with USPS as our sole carrier for all customer orders.

While we have been approached by other carriers, we know that supporting the only national, public postal service is one of the most important things we can do right now as a business.

While we haven’t seen more than an occasional 1-2 days added to our regular shipping time, we’ll keep you posted if it seems likely that your order will be delayed.

If you have any questions or shipping concerns, you can always read through our FAQ or reach out to us at Thank you for your continued support.

With love,

Team Parade

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