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Parade's Commitment to Black Lives Matter

When we started Parade, we envisioned more diverse & just future for our category and the world. We stand in solidarity with the Black community and BLM values.

Parade's Commitment to Black Lives Matter

Parade was founded on the dream of envisioning a more diverse, equitable, and just future for our category and the world. In order to realize that dream, we are standing in solidarity with the Black community.

The deaths of George Floyd, Nina Pop, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Eric Garner, and countless other Black people at the hands of police brutality and white supremacy have called each and every one of us to offer unwavering & mobilized allyship, service, love and financial support to the Black community.

In the immediate days that followed these tragic events, the Parade team spent time speaking and listening to our community and our Black creators.

Now, we’re focusing Parade’s effort and financial resources in this crucial fight against racial inequality on three core areas to impact radical cultural change:

  1. Direct and financial action.
  2. Education and amplification.
  3. Healing and support.

Our priority is to support our own community members on the ground protesting — history shows us that people collectively exercising their right to protest catalyzes meaningful change.

We have distributed $1,000 to members of our community to provide them with the supplies they need to safely make their voices heard and continue the grassroots efforts of local organizers.

Second, we are donating $1,000 across 70+ bailout funds across the United States—we are against mass incarceration and we know freedom should be free.

Third, we believe that in order to move forward we must collectively imagine and enact a future without policing, so we have donated to two foundations who are working towards structural change for the Black community.

Project Nia works to end incarceration of children and young adults by promoting restorative and transformative justice practices. Campaign Zero is dedicated to end police violence in America by limiting police intervention, establishing alternative approaches to community crises, and ensuring accountability.

In the coming days, weeks, months, and years, we will use our social platform to highlight Black businesses, continuously provide resources that enable action, and uplift Black voices.

Most importantly, we want to continue to listen to you and understand how we can best support the Black community. My inbox is open:

Black Lives Matter


Cami Téllez & Team Parade

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